Explore Gut Health

Do Probiotics Make You Poop? Understanding Their Effects on Digestion and Regularity about false

Gut Health

Do Probiotics Make You Poop? Understanding Their Effects on Digestion and Regularity

Can probiotics make you poop? Discover how these beneficial bacteria improve digestion, relieve constipation, and support overall health.

The Truth: Does Cauliflower Cause Gas? about false

Gut Health

The Truth: Does Cauliflower Cause Gas?

Learn why cauliflower, along with other healthy foods, can cause gas, and discover tips for minimizing bloating while enjoying its health benefits."

Are You In The "Goldilocks Zone" For Regularity? about false

Gut Health

Are You In The "Goldilocks Zone" For Regularity?

Constipation isn’t just uncomfortable—it’s a health risk. Learn what's really normal and how to stay in this "Goldilocks Zone".

Quick Solution To Leaky Gut about false

Gut Health

Quick Solution To Leaky Gut

Discover the health benefits of oleacein in olive oil, from supporting gut health and brain function to reducing wrinkles and enhancing longevity.

Beyond Probiotics: Recently Discovered Gut Bacteria May Save Your Heart about false

Gut Health

Beyond Probiotics: Recently Discovered Gut Bacteria May Save Your Heart

New research suggests that the gut microbe Blastocystis, once deemed harmful, improves heart health and reduces body fat.

Probiotics In Raw Food Diet: Researchers Discover Another Reason an Apple a Day Can Keep the Doctor Away about false

Gut Health

Probiotics In Raw Food Diet: Researchers Discover Another Reason an Apple a Day Can Keep the Doctor Away

If you want to achieve optimal health, probiotics are a good place to start.You need the help of these good bacteria – probiotic bacteria – that live in your digestive tract. And the importance of

Top Probiotics for Women: Finding Your Gut Health Allies For Better Health about false

Gut Health

Top Probiotics for Women: Finding Your Gut Health Allies For Better Health

Probiotics for women aren’t just about gut health; they’re key players in promoting a robust immune defense as well as better urinary and vaginal health. And when it comes to women's health, all

Solving Constipation: Unlocking the Benefits of Sennosides and Senna Leaf about false

Gut Health

Solving Constipation: Unlocking the Benefits of Sennosides and Senna Leaf

If you’re exploring natural remedies for constipation, you’ve likely come across sennosides and senna leaf. But what are they, and how do they work? Sennosides, extracted from senna leaves, are

Postbiotics 101: The Missing Piece In Your Gut Health Puzzle about false

Gut Health

Postbiotics 101: The Missing Piece In Your Gut Health Puzzle

Beyond Probiotics: A Comprehensive Guide to Postbiotics, The Future of Digestive Health and Disease PreventionFoods, beverages, and supplements containing probiotics continue to explode in

Digestive Supplement Can Heal Your Ailing Liver about false

Gut Health

Digestive Supplement Can Heal Your Ailing Liver

A “silent” disease classified as an epidemic by the World Health Organization affects 30 percent of the world's population.As no drug can treat it, scientists are forced to look elsewhere for a

Six Easy Ways To Avoid Leaky Gut (Don’t Let Your Good Health Leak Away!) about false

Gut Health

Six Easy Ways To Avoid Leaky Gut (Don’t Let Your Good Health Leak Away!)

Your digestive tract is supposed to absorb nutrients from your food while keeping toxins and pathogens from entering your body – transporting them down and out.But the protective walls of your

New “Food Group” Controls High Blood Sugar about false

Gut Health

New “Food Group” Controls High Blood Sugar

At long last they’re agreeing that eating foods high in flavan-3-ols can boost your health by lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol, and controlling blood sugar levels.

This Hidden Disease Ruins the Lives of Millions… (Here’s What To Do About It) about false

Gut Health

This Hidden Disease Ruins the Lives of Millions… (Here’s What To Do About It)

About six million Americans suffer from an autoimmune disease that can cut their lives short. It’s an illness that attacks the lining of the digestive tract. In addition to painful gas, bloating and

Can You “Think Away” Excess Pounds? about false

Gut Health

Can You “Think Away” Excess Pounds?

Severe, epidemic, and crisis are just three of the words used to describe rising rates of obesity. Four out of ten Americans are now classified as “obese”, and this figure is forecast to grow rapidly

This Mild, Natural Laxative Will Also Safeguard Your Bones about false

Gut Health

This Mild, Natural Laxative Will Also Safeguard Your Bones

Many people eat prunes to promote regular bowel movements. But this fruit has benefits that go well beyond keeping you regular.Over half of Americans age 50 or over have either low bone mass or

This Tasty Fruit Can Heal Your Gut about false

Gut Health

This Tasty Fruit Can Heal Your Gut

Researchers report that about 90 percent of Americans don’t eat enough fruit for optimal health.1Which is a shame, because fruit is a delicious way to get extra nutrients and fiber that can improve

These Bacteria Can Make You Healthier – If You Let Them about false

Gut Health

These Bacteria Can Make You Healthier – If You Let Them

Millions upon millions of bacteria live in your body, the majority of them in your digestive tract. These bacteria can be your best friends for better health or your worst enemies. Many times the

Stemming the Spread of Superbugs Starts at Home about false

Gut Health

Stemming the Spread of Superbugs Starts at Home

By now you're probably aware of the dangers of the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.Increasingly, infections that can't be killed off with drugs are making people seriously ill and proving

The Tiny Seed with Big Health Benefits about false

Gut Health

The Tiny Seed with Big Health Benefits

The tiny flax plant, with its slender stem and pale blue flowers, has benefited humans since the Stone Age. From textiles and oils to grains and medicines, flax has played a significant role in human

The Amazing, Little-Known Benefits of Dietary Fiber about false

Gut Health

The Amazing, Little-Known Benefits of Dietary Fiber

You know fiber’s good for you.Millions of people boost their fiber intake with fruits and vegetables – or take fiber supplements like Metamucil -- to help with healthy digestion and elimination. A

Science Finds New Ways to Overcome Bad Eating Habits about false

Gut Health

Science Finds New Ways to Overcome Bad Eating Habits

Intellectually, you know that you should be noshing on more leafy greens and much less refined sugar. And you’ve read scads of “tips” on how to learn to like water better than your favorite

Seven Ways to Support Your Body’s Natural Detox System about false

Gut Health

Seven Ways to Support Your Body’s Natural Detox System

These days the term “detox” is bandied about as the answer to everything from losing weight to beating cancer. Often without much evidence, there’s a widespread belief that putting yourself through

This May Lower Your Risk of a Food Allergy about false

Gut Health

This May Lower Your Risk of a Food Allergy

Food allergies are on the rise. The reasons for this surge have been largely a mystery, but now there’s a new clue.The most common food allergies for adults include sensitivities to peanuts, fish,

Shocking New Discovery on What Eggs Do to Your Heart about false

Gut Health

Shocking New Discovery on What Eggs Do to Your Heart

"I eat eggs most mornings," writes UK bestselling author and science journalist Dr. Michael Mosley."Not so long ago," he continues, "this was considered nutritional suicide."The prevailing medical

Old Wives Tale or Real Problem? Milk and Mucus Secretion about false

Gut Health

Old Wives Tale or Real Problem? Milk and Mucus Secretion

The 12th-century Jewish physician Maimonides is perhaps best remembered for his advice to enjoy a bowl of chicken soup to fight off a cold. Modern science supports his idea. Chicken soup has

This Type of Food is Popular – And Toxic about false

Gut Health

This Type of Food is Popular – And Toxic

A particular type of processed food that’s eaten by most of us may be delicious, but its health effects are so serious you shouldn’t go near it.This type of food has been linked to mental health

Some of Those “Forbidden” Starches Can Turn into Healthy Super Foods about false

Gut Health

Some of Those “Forbidden” Starches Can Turn into Healthy Super Foods

Warmer weather means barbeques and picnics featuring summertime favorites… corn on the cob, ripe juicy tomatoes, and cold potato salad. But a lot of people skip the potato salad. They think it’s bad

Olive Oil is Good for You, But This is Even Better about false

Gut Health

Olive Oil is Good for You, But This is Even Better

Why does this ingredient, once harvested from goat droppings (eww!), have master chefs and health researchers so excited?You read that right… it was harvested from goat droppings. But not just any

Supplements May Not Be Best Choice For Probiotics about false

Gut Health

Supplements May Not Be Best Choice For Probiotics

Should we ingest probiotic drinks, the fermented drink called kefir, or foods that feed the good bacteria?

You Need More Than Bacteria For a Healthy Gut Microbiome about false

Gut Health

You Need More Than Bacteria For a Healthy Gut Microbiome

Recently, a deadly fungus superbug called Candida auris became the latest menace to hit hospitals, with 44 cases in New York and 17 in New Jersey.It was especially alarming because some strains are

You’ve Got a "Second Brain" and You Need to Pay Attention to It about false

Gut Health

You’ve Got a "Second Brain" and You Need to Pay Attention to It

It seems odd at first glance.Yet cutting edge science is confirming that the health of your brain is dictated not only by what’s going on inside your head, but also by what’s happening inside your

Colon Cleanliness – The Key to Vibrant Health about false

Gut Health

Colon Cleanliness – The Key to Vibrant Health

Death Begins In The Colon...Perhaps there is nothing that distinguishes naturopaths from conventional doctors more than their attitude towards the colon (also known as the bowel or the large

Common Chemical in Food Packaging is Messing Us Up about false

Gut Health

Common Chemical in Food Packaging is Messing Us Up

Volume 1: Issue #7Common Chemical in Food Packagingis Messing Us Up-->More than 38 million Americans have a thyroid problem, and most don’t know it.It’s a serious concern: When your thyroid goes