Brain Function

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Chinese Herb Improves "Episodic Memory" about false

Brain Function

Chinese Herb Improves "Episodic Memory"

Discover how ginger, an ancient herb, can boost your memory, protect against cognitive decline, and strengthen your brain health.

Can A Common Bone Health Test Reveal Your Dementia Risk? about false

Brain Function

Can A Common Bone Health Test Reveal Your Dementia Risk?

Did you know a routine bone density scan could predict your risk of dementia?

Sleep Like This And Raise Your Risk For Alzheimer's about false

Brain Function

Sleep Like This And Raise Your Risk For Alzheimer's

Discover how your sleep position affects brain health and why side sleeping can help prevent cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s.

Feeling Drained? Discover How Ginkgo Biloba and Ginseng Can Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body about false

Brain Function

Feeling Drained? Discover How Ginkgo Biloba and Ginseng Can Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body

Unlock your mind’s potential with ginkgo biloba and Panax ginseng. Discover how these ancient herbs boost cognitive function and reduce stress.

This Scent Can Relieve Stress and Increase Mental Focus about false

Brain Function

This Scent Can Relieve Stress and Increase Mental Focus

In recent years researchers have wondered if harnessing specific smells could help relieve stress and increase your mental focus, clarity, and memory recall.

Handwriting And Cognitive Function: Pen Over Keyboard about false

Brain Function

Handwriting And Cognitive Function: Pen Over Keyboard

Handwriting And Cognitive Function: Why Your Brain Prefers Your Pen To Your KeyboardDo you pick up a pen just for writing a message on a birthday or Christmas card? These days many people don’t

Unlocking Youth: Alpha Lipoic Acid's Surprising Anti-Aging Benefits about false

Brain Function

Unlocking Youth: Alpha Lipoic Acid's Surprising Anti-Aging Benefits

Anti-Aging's Nutritional Superstar: Unlocking the Potential of Alpha Lipoic Acid and Alpha Lipoic Acid Benefits for Healthier AgingUnleash the power of nature’s potent antioxidant – Alpha Lipoic Acid

The Secret of Building Healthy Habits That Can Transform Your Health about false

Brain Function

The Secret of Building Healthy Habits That Can Transform Your Health

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”–AristotleOur editorial team can’t stop sharing science-backed stories encouraging folks to establish healthy habits.Why do

Colostrum And The Human Brain: How To Fight Alzheimer's Plaques And Sharpen Memory about false

Brain Function

Colostrum And The Human Brain: How To Fight Alzheimer's Plaques And Sharpen Memory

We've all loved someone who's battled Alzheimer's. Whether it's your mother... your friend... or even your spouse... you know how this devastating disease can strip away your loved one's memory...

Put This Italian Herb In Your Medicine Cabinet about false

Brain Function

Put This Italian Herb In Your Medicine Cabinet

For thousands of years, the Italian herb rosemary has been used around the world for an impressively wide range of medical issues.Europeans have used it to treat digestive problems and as a heart

Sleep Herb’s Surprise Benefit: Lowered Anxiety, Blood Sugar about false

Brain Function

Sleep Herb’s Surprise Benefit: Lowered Anxiety, Blood Sugar

One of the most remarkable things about many herbs is their versatility. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, herbs contain a valuable mixture of beneficial natural compounds that modern science is just

Why Does Drug Prescribing Soar Before a Diagnosis of Dementia? about false

Brain Function

Why Does Drug Prescribing Soar Before a Diagnosis of Dementia?

Almost a quarter of people over the age of 40 take five or more prescription medications. Taking this many medications can lead to drug interactions, adverse side effects, more frequent office

The Vitamin That Can Help End Dementia…. Are You Getting Enough? about false

Brain Function

The Vitamin That Can Help End Dementia…. Are You Getting Enough?

When it comes to treating dementia, conventional medicine offers very little help.Most people who try an Alzheimer’s drug don’t experience dramatic improvements in their memories.That’s why your best

The Top Seven Heart-Healthy, Memory-Saving Habits about false

Brain Function

The Top Seven Heart-Healthy, Memory-Saving Habits

Frequent readers are well-acquainted with the link between heart and brain health.1So, it’s no wonder that seven healthy habits, advocated by the American Heart Association for heart health, may also

Risk of Dementia and Death Soars with this vitamin deficiency about false

Brain Function

Risk of Dementia and Death Soars with this vitamin deficiency

It’s best known for the important role it plays before and during pregnancy to prevent birth defects. But folate, sometimes called folic acid or vitamin B9, is also essential for the health of the

Why Self-Compassion is Critical to a Healthy Heart about false

Brain Function

Why Self-Compassion is Critical to a Healthy Heart

Are you someone who always puts the needs of others first? It may not be doing your health any favors, say researchers from the University of Pittsburgh.A new study, published in the journal Health

Food Cures For Migraines about false

Brain Function

Food Cures For Migraines

Migraine headaches can ruin your life. A debilitating migraine makes you unable to focus on anything besides the horrible pain inside your head.About 37 million Americans suffer migraines. They’re

Tons of Evidence Support This Brain Supplement about false

Brain Function

Tons of Evidence Support This Brain Supplement

“Age takes away all things, even the mind,” wrote Virgil in 70 BC.But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can retain good mental function throughout life by making healthy food and lifestyle

Are You Being Deliberately Misled About This Essential Brain Nutrient? about false

Brain Function

Are You Being Deliberately Misled About This Essential Brain Nutrient?

Most people think of it as a damaging heavy-duty drug for mentally ill patients. Something to keep well clear of.And yet Irish consultant psychiatrist Dr Moosajee Bhamjee said this mineral’s mental

Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s by Half (No Pills Required) about false

Brain Function

Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s by Half (No Pills Required)

“If you could bottle all of these effects and put it in a pill, would we be in a different place now?”That’s the question posed by Laura Baker, associate professor of Geriatric Medicine, Neurology

Nutritional Deficiencies Contribute to Migraine Headaches about false

Brain Function

Nutritional Deficiencies Contribute to Migraine Headaches

If you suffer from persistent migraines, the intense pain can ruin your life.But researchers say supplements may help ease some of the discomfort. Which ones? Here’s what I was able to find out. .

Add Years to Your Life and Support Your Memory, Too about false

Brain Function

Add Years to Your Life and Support Your Memory, Too

Taken by bodybuilders as a way to sculpt the perfect body and by dieters as an easy method to lose weight, there’s actually scant proof that this supplement can do either one.But while the research

The "Smart" Mushroom That Could Keep You Mentally Sharp For Life about false

Brain Function

The "Smart" Mushroom That Could Keep You Mentally Sharp For Life

The "Smart" Mushroom That CouldKeep You Mentally Sharp For Life-->What was her secret?It's not only that neurobiologist Rita Levi-Montalcini lived to the age of 103, the only Nobel prize winner who

Vitamins Can Slow Brain Shrinkage and Preserve Cognition about false

Brain Function

Vitamins Can Slow Brain Shrinkage and Preserve Cognition

Volume 1: Issue #5Vitamins Can Slow Brain Shrinkage and Preserve Cognition-->If you’re past age 60, your brain is shrinking from one-half percent to one percent every year. You can’t prevent this