Brain Function

This Scent Can Relieve Stress and Increase Mental Focus

ReviewedReviewed by Susan Clark

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This Scent Can Relieve Stress and Increase Mental Focus about undefined

Imagine if a whiff of rosemary or peppermint could relieve stress, sharpen your focus, or even unlock long-lost memories. Research reveals the profound connection between our sense of smell and mental well-being, showing that specific scents can wipe out stress, improve mood, enhance memory, and alleviate depression. Dive into the fascinating science behind aromatherapy and discover how your nose might hold the key to better brain health.

Key Takeaways

  • Stress Relief Through Scents: Essential oils like lavender, bergamot, and ylang-ylang reduce stress and cortisol levels, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.
  • Scents Enhance Memory and Mood: Odor cues are more effective than verbal cues at unlocking vivid, specific memories, which can improve emotional regulation and problem-solving.
  • Aromatherapy’s Long-Term Benefits: Regular use of essential oils can help rewire the brain’s emotional centers, making it a powerful tool for managing stress, depression and anxiety.

  • Are Scents The Secret Weapon for Better Mental Health?

    You may be one of the millions of people who smell the scent of evergreen and think of Christmas trees. Or the smell of a certain meal cooking in the kitchen can take you back to your childhood. This connection between your sense of smell and the memory centers in your brain is remarkable and scientifically proven. More on that in a minute.

    In recent years researchers have wondered if harnessing specific smells could help relieve stress and increase your mental focus, clarity, and memory recall. The findings are impressive, to say the least.

    Stress Relief in Minutes

    Essential oils have shown remarkable potential in combating stress and anxiety through multiple pathways in the brain. 

    Research published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine demonstrates that lavender essential oil, in particular, can reduce anxiety levels by up to 45% in study participants. 

    The oil's active compounds interact with neurotransmitters that regulate mood and stress responses, providing a natural alternative to conventional anti-anxiety treatments. It's not surprising since lavender is an ancient remedy with a wealth of health benefits.

    Beyond individual oils, specific blends have proven especially effective for stress management. A combination of bergamot, ylang-ylang, and frankincense has been shown to reduce cortisol levels – the body's primary stress hormone – by up to 23% within 30 minutes of inhalation. These findings, documented in several clinical trials, suggest that strategic combinations of essential oils may offer more potent stress-relieving benefits than single oils used alone.

    For those dealing with chronic anxiety, long-term aromatherapy practice has demonstrated lasting benefits. A six-month study following participants who used chamomile and sweet orange essential oils daily reported a 32% reduction in anxiety symptoms and improved sleep quality. 

    Importantly, these benefits persisted even after the study concluded, suggesting that regular aromatherapy may help create lasting changes in how the brain processes stress and anxiety. That bears repeating: Long-term use of essential oils shifts the brain's emotional centers directly through the amygdala. This is excellent news, but it's only the beginning of the mental health and memory benefits of aromatherapy...

    Memory Loss in Mood Disorders

    An often-forgotten symptom of depression is memory loss. People diagnosed with clinical depression have real difficulty recalling specific events in their lives. They can remember general events (in a negative light) like regular visits to a café but don’t remember having an enjoyable time with friends at the same café yesterday morning. In fact, an aspect of major depressive disorder (MDD) is a bias towards broad, overgeneralized negative memories such as “I am a failure” or “I fight with my friends a lot,” rather than specific times when they were successful or when they had fun with their friends. Interestingly, even when depressive symptoms are in remission, this inability to recall specific (autobiographical) memories persists, which suggests this type of forgetfulness is a trait of the disorder with a potentially causal role in its development.

    Psychologists use trigger words or visual prompts to help unlock specific memories in patients. Certain word cues can bring back a particular memory, allowing them to escape negative thoughts, rewire thought patterns, and set off on the road to healing. But what about smells?

    In the first study of its kind, researchers found that smelling certain scents was more effective than any word cue.

    Specific Scents Elevate Mood and Memory

    Dr. Kymberly Young at the University of Pittsburgh theorized that using scents would be a better approach to jogging autobiographical memories. She had several good reasons to believe this.

    Odor has been linked with cognition, mood, and memory in many studies of healthy adults. For example, rosemary has been shown to elevate mood, enhance aspects of cognition, and improve long-term memory. Peppermint improved performance on demanding cognitive tasks and reduced mental fatigue. Citrus has relaxing, calming, and mood-uplifting effects. Extracts of sage enhance cognitive performance and mood.

    And it’s only the beginning...

    The science shows that losing your sense of smell is linked to depression. What’s more, people with depression are more likely to have a reduced sense of smell, and the more the sense of smell diminishes, the worse the symptoms of depression become.

    A systematic review of a dozen randomized controlled trials published in 2017 found aromatherapy was “an effective therapeutic option for the relief of depressive symptoms in a wide variety of subjects.”

    Odors Are a Direct Route to the Amygdala

    As we mentioned earlier, scents relieve stress and trigger memories that feel vivid and “real” in healthy individuals. The likely reason for this is because they directly engage the brain’s limbic system, especially the amygdala, through nerve connections from the olfactory bulb.

    Although the amygdala controls emotional responses and mood, it also directs attention and focus to significant events that help with memory recall. Unlike sound and vision, odors directly communicate with the amygdala, while the other senses get there via a circuitous route. That’s why scents can trigger intense, often emotional, memories in a way that other stimuli may not.

    So, Dr. Young had every reason to believe her theory was correct. But would her study be able to show it?

    Odors and Vivid Memory are Linked

    Volunteers for this study included 26 women and six men aged 18 to 55 years with major depressive disorder. The researchers presented them with 24 items, including odor or spoken word cues, and then asked them to recall a specific memory – good or bad - from their life in response to each cue.

    The scents included tomato ketchup, ground coffee, vanilla extract, wax shoe polish, and Vicks VapoRub.

    The findings showed a whopping 68.4 percent of participants recalled more specific autobiographical memories for odor cues compared to 52.1 percent for word cues. In addition, odor-cued recall was rated “more arousing and vivid” compared to word cues, and the volunteers were more likely to remember positive events.

    Dr. Young explained the results, saying, “It was surprising to me that nobody thought to look at memory recall in depressed individuals using scent cues before. If we improve memory, we can improve problem-solving, emotion regulation, and other functional problems that depressed individuals often experience.”

    Dr. Young intends to extend this research by using a brain scanner to show how scents engage the amygdala of people with major depressive disorder and do so more effectively than word cues.

    Our Takeaway

    While this is the first scientific trial involving scent cues in people suffering from depression, there’s a wealth of research showing how scents can improve cognitive function. So, whether you’re battling depression or not, try some of the scents proven to help, such as: rosemary for long-term memory, peppermint to increase focus, sage for overall cognitive function, and citrus to relax and calm an anxious mind.

    The easiest way to enjoy aromatherapy and its brain-boosting benefits is to use a diffuser and high-quality essential oils.


    Scents directly engage the brain’s limbic system, making them powerful tools for stress relief, memory recall, and emotional well-being. Research shows that odor cues outperform word prompts in triggering specific, vivid memories, particularly in individuals with depression. Essential oils like rosemary, peppermint, sage, and citrus can relieve stress, elevate mood, boost focus, and enhance cognitive function. Aromatherapy, when used consistently, may even help create lasting changes in the brain’s emotional centers.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How do scents affect the brain?

    Scents engage the limbic system and amygdala directly, triggering vivid memories and emotional responses that improve mood and memory recall.

    Which essential oils are best for mental clarity?

    Rosemary boosts memory, peppermint enhances focus, sage improves cognition, and citrus promotes relaxation.

    Can aromatherapy help with depression?

    Yes, studies show that certain scents can alleviate depressive symptoms, reduce stress, and improve emotional regulation.

    How does the sense of smell compare to other senses for memory recall?

    Smell directly communicates with the brain’s emotional and memory centers, making it more effective than sight or sound in triggering vivid memories.

    What’s the best way to use essential oils?

    Use a diffuser for aromatherapy, or apply diluted oils to your skin for a more direct effect.

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