Explore Nutrition

Most Americans Are Deficient In These Two Nutrients, Are You? about false


Most Americans Are Deficient In These Two Nutrients, Are You?

Over 5 billion people—including many in wealthy nations—are deficient in key nutrients. Discover the shocking global findings and what it means for your health.

These Two Foods Give You 
Younger-Looking Skin about false


These Two Foods Give You 
Younger-Looking Skin

For many of us it’s no fun to gaze into the mirror, see those fine lines form, and then grow longer, deeper and wider over the years. That's why there's a rapidly growing market for anti-wrinkle

Top 10 Drinks with Antioxidants for a Healthier You about false


Top 10 Drinks with Antioxidants for a Healthier You

Discover the top 10 antioxidant-rich drinks, from green tea to pomegranate juice, and learn how they can boost your health.

Popcorn And Your Health: Is Kettle Corn Healthy? about false


Popcorn And Your Health: Is Kettle Corn Healthy?

Explore the health benefits and risks of popcorn and discover: Is kettle corn healthy?And find out the best ways to prepare popcorn for a guilt-free snack.

This Holiday Treat Is Your Healthiest Choice On The Menu about false


This Holiday Treat Is Your Healthiest Choice On The Menu

Check out many holiday tables and you’ll find the delicious sweet potato. Sometimes it’s baked, other times it’s mashed or sauteed. But no matter how it’s delivered to the table the sweet potato is

The Common Food That Really Is Medicine For Your Body about false


The Common Food That Really Is Medicine For Your Body

Many medical researchers are finally coming around to accepting the truth of the ancient maxim that food can be your medicine.As a result, studies are proving that the ancients knew their stuff when

Do You Get Enough of This Illness-Fighting Mineral? about false


Do You Get Enough of This Illness-Fighting Mineral?

There’s a mineral your body needs to fight off disease, keep your metabolism on track, maintain your heart health and help you heal from injury. But there’s a good chance you’re one of a billion

Eat the Right Foods for Better Sleep about false


Eat the Right Foods for Better Sleep

Been having trouble sleeping lately? Well, research investigating how to sleep better shows that you may be tossing and turning at night because of what you’re eating during the day.Commit to some

Are You Getting Enough Fiber to Avoid this Common Health Problem? about false


Are You Getting Enough Fiber to Avoid this Common Health Problem?

“Eat more fiber.” It’s a message that you’re likely very familiar with-- and for good reason.Fiber not only treats constipation and helps maintain bowel health, this nutrient also lowers the risk of

This Healing Food Can Help Relieve Depression about false


This Healing Food Can Help Relieve Depression

If you often feel down in the dumps, you’re not alone. Experts estimate that about forty million adults in the U.S. suffer from some sort of anxiety and depression.But could help for these troubles

Overlooked Nutrient Can Save Your Heart about false


Overlooked Nutrient Can Save Your Heart

When a city’s power grid goes down and everything electric stops working it’s big news and a serious emergency.Unfortunately, your body can sometimes find itself in a similar situation. However, in

Dairy: Good or Bad for Your Heart? about false


Dairy: Good or Bad for Your Heart?

For years, supermarkets have been filled with foods that are supposedly healthier for your heart because they’re “low-fat”—especially dairy products.Now new research takes aim at this low-fat trend

New Research Reveals Even More Health Benefits of this Vitamin (But Chances Are, You’re Not Getting Enough) about false


New Research Reveals Even More Health Benefits of this Vitamin (But Chances Are, You’re Not Getting Enough)

About 80 years ago, when vitamin research was in its infancy, scientists began studying vitamin C.They discovered a disease called scurvy that resulted from vitamin C deficiency, and wanted to know

Is Wheat Ruining Your Health? about false


Is Wheat Ruining Your Health?

When eating a gluten-free diet first became a "thing," it was ridiculed as a fad that would soon fade in popularity.At the time, the conventional medical folks warned that while about one out of

Chronic Pain Can Ruin Your Life – But Changing Your Diet Can Help More Than Drugs about false


Chronic Pain Can Ruin Your Life – But Changing Your Diet Can Help More Than Drugs

If you suffer from chronic pain, you’re far from alone. Studies show that Americans are suffering an epidemic of chronic pain. And it’s steadily getting worse.Research at the University of Buffalo

How to Lower Cancer Risk, Boost Your Memory and Protect Your Heart With One Super Snack about false


How to Lower Cancer Risk, Boost Your Memory and Protect Your Heart With One Super Snack

There are an abundance of snack foods to choose from, but let’s face it most of them aren’t very healthy. However, there’s one snack food that’s not just healthy, it’s super healthy.Research into

Making Sense of the Crowded Milk Market about false


Making Sense of the Crowded Milk Market

Whether you must avoid cow milk or simply choose to, the market featuring milk alternatives is becoming more crowded every year. Since these milk alternatives claim a variety of health benefits it’s

Eat Fruits and Vegetables for Better Health -- But Not These! about false


Eat Fruits and Vegetables for Better Health -- But Not These!

An overwhelming number of studies show that fruits and vegetables improve your health.With one important exception!The best types for your well-being are fresh fruits and vegetables. With an emphasis

Korean Delicacy Improves Gut Health about false


Korean Delicacy Improves Gut Health

A traditional Korean dish that was once only found in specialty stores is now widely available on grocery store shelves.And that’s a good thing, because scientists say kimchi can dramatically improve

The Fatty Food That’s Actually Good For Your Waistline—and Your Health! about false


The Fatty Food That’s Actually Good For Your Waistline—and Your Health!

A description of one popular food sometimes sounds too good to be true. It’s delicious, creamy and fills you up because it’s high in fat. What’s more, many experts believe this food can actually help

To Get Sick Less Often, Try These Inexpensive Nutrients about false


To Get Sick Less Often, Try These Inexpensive Nutrients

The people taking supplements were sick for shorter periods of time, and if they did get sick, their symptoms were less troublesome. Plus, they got better faster than non-supplement takers.

These Vegetables Protect Your Arteries from Plaque Build-Up about false


These Vegetables Protect Your Arteries from Plaque Build-Up

Last year, broccoli became the fifth most popular vegetable purchased in the U.S.This marks its first appearance in the top five of the annual surveys conducted by The Packer, a magazine covering the

This Mineral Helps Your Body Fight off Viruses and More about false


This Mineral Helps Your Body Fight off Viruses and More

Your immune system depends on an important mineral it uses to make proteins enabling it to fight back against infectious microbes.So, it didn’t surprise me to find that research in China shows that,

Broccoli Ingredient May Help Defend Against COVID-19 about false


Broccoli Ingredient May Help Defend Against COVID-19

Broccoli contains a phytochemical that's one of the most potent activators of cell-protecting enzymes known to science.Switching on these enzymes boosts defenses against heart disease,

Collagen: A Secret Ingredient for Better Health about false


Collagen: A Secret Ingredient for Better Health

If you’ve been paying attention to recent health trends, you’ve probably noticed the growing popularity of bone broth.This kind of broth is usually made from the bones of beef, chicken or ham which

Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day? about false


Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper," said nutritionist and best-selling author Adelle Davis in her 1954 book Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit.Nearly five decades after

The Surprising Superfood in Your Own Backyard about false


The Surprising Superfood in Your Own Backyard

The squirrels of South Korea are not happy.These bushy-tailed creatures are upset because humans have encroached on their territory.Not content with plant-based meats, ancient grains, celery juice

At Least One Holiday Food Was Good for Us about false


At Least One Holiday Food Was Good for Us

Chances are, you associate a certain tart red berry with the holidays. From Thanksgiving to Christmas, it appears on most tables at least once.But did you know cranberries may help counter the global

Experts Think Heart Attack Victims Should be Given This Vitamin at Once about false


Experts Think Heart Attack Victims Should be Given This Vitamin at Once

Only about one in ten of us get enough of a vitamin that plays a central role in keeping muscles healthy. Your muscles depend on it to repair themselves.And even though research indicates that this

This Snack Makes You Feel Full, Satisfied - and Helps You Lose Weight about false


This Snack Makes You Feel Full, Satisfied - and Helps You Lose Weight

The idea that to lose weight you have to deprive yourself of eating tasty foods and never feel completely satisfied after a meal is a myth that too many people believe.Today’s case in point is nuts –

Natural Sweetener Has Zero Calories, May Even Lower Blood Sugar about false


Natural Sweetener Has Zero Calories, May Even Lower Blood Sugar

Full disclosure: I am not a fan of sugar-substitutes.Of course, there are mountains of evidence about the bad effects of sugar. But artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, are just as bad as sugar

Vitamin C is Too Important to Just Take for the Sniffles about false


Vitamin C is Too Important to Just Take for the Sniffles

When a blocked nose, sore throat and general feeling of malaise strikes, many people head to the pharmacist or health store to pick up some vitamin C tablets.But this thinking is all wrong. We need

The Sweet Treat That’s Good for You about false


The Sweet Treat That’s Good for You

I don’t know about you, but I always welcome news that something I like is good for me. Much of the advice you get from alternative health experts is in line with the famous quip, “Anything in life

This Common, Dirt-Cheap Mineral Slashes Your Risk of Stroke about false


This Common, Dirt-Cheap Mineral Slashes Your Risk of Stroke

According to the American Heart Association, stroke is the third leading cause of death in American women. In the United States, each year sees another 795,000 people have a stroke. Because women

Eat the Meal that Keeps Your Weight Down about false


Eat the Meal that Keeps Your Weight Down

While skipping a meal might seem like a good way to keep your food intake under control, research actually shows it can hurt your efforts at weight control.And breakfast is the one meal you should

Surprise! These High-Carb Foods are Good for You about false


Surprise! These High-Carb Foods are Good for You

These days it seems carbohydrates are the Rodney Dangerfield of the food world – they get no respect.They don’t deserve much. Carbs are largely to blame for our country’s obesity epidemic and the

Nature Outperforms the Best Pharmaceutical for Lyme Disease about false


Nature Outperforms the Best Pharmaceutical for Lyme Disease

In this newsletter I try to select topics that interest as many readers as possible. Lyme disease probably would have been considered an odd choice just a few years ago. Many doctors even questioned

The Wonders Of “Gel Water” -- Are They for Real? about false


The Wonders Of “Gel Water” -- Are They for Real?

We used to think there were just three forms of water - solid, liquid and vapor. But a scientist from the University of Washington has discovered a remarkable fourth form of water.If his research is

Could a Hamburger Give You Arthritis? about false


Could a Hamburger Give You Arthritis?

If you suffer the pains and aches of arthritis, the bacteria in beef may be the source of your problem.That’s right – research now shows that not only is beef implicated in many cases of rheumatoid

Doctors Say EVERYONE Should Eat This Food Once a Day about false


Doctors Say EVERYONE Should Eat This Food Once a Day

It's "my idea of a superfood," says Dr. Adam Cunliffe, associate professor in human nutrition at London South Bank University. "Everyone should eat it at least once daily."His sentiments are echoed

These Surprising Foods Make Weight Loss Easier about false


These Surprising Foods Make Weight Loss Easier

We’ve known for a while now that our bodies need healthy fats. They improve our cholesterol and keep our brain healthy. They also relieve moodiness and depression.And plenty of research now proves

This Healthy Snack Lowers the Risk of Common Heart Conditions about false


This Healthy Snack Lowers the Risk of Common Heart Conditions

Chips, cookies and crackers. When we think of snacks, unhealthy options are often the first to come to mind. In fact, the word "snack" has acquired a bad taint - even though most people overcome

Eating Canned Vegetables Can Ruin Your Digestion and Eventually Your Health about false


Eating Canned Vegetables Can Ruin Your Digestion and Eventually Your Health

We’d like to think all fruits and vegetables are good for us, but researchers have discovered that certain ones can sabotage your health, not improve it. I’m talking about the ones that you get out

Fennel Reduced Lung Inflammation by 86 Percent about false


Fennel Reduced Lung Inflammation by 86 Percent

Fennel is a popular, tasty herb that chefs all over the world use to improve their entrees. And the plant is just as popular in the medicine cabinet as it is in the kitchen.

These Sugary Foods Can Add Years to Your Life about false


These Sugary Foods Can Add Years to Your Life

Sugary foods have a bad reputation. And they deserve it.Supermarket shelves and fast food joints are filled with processed junk loaded with refined sugar. It comes in brightly colored packages, bears

This May be the Only Nutrient That Can Heal the Damage of Heart Disease about false


This May be the Only Nutrient That Can Heal the Damage of Heart Disease

When heart disease damages your arteries or blocks the heart’s blood supply, cardiologists have tools designed to stop the harm and restore blood flow. But do any of these treatments actually fix the

Bad Things Happen to People Who Eat Too Fast about false


Bad Things Happen to People Who Eat Too Fast

If you were asked the speed at which you eat – slow, normal, or fast – what would you say?That same question was posed to over a thousand healthy volunteers in Japan. The answers they gave led to an

Unexpected Benefit: Vitamins Protect Against Air Pollution about false


Unexpected Benefit: Vitamins Protect Against Air Pollution

The B vitamins can help your lungs and other organs shrug off the potentially deadly effects of air pollutants – pollutants that, globally, kill about 6.5 million people a year.

Every Cell in Your Body Needs This Nutrient about false


Every Cell in Your Body Needs This Nutrient

There’s a nutrient needed by every cell in the body. It’s even known as the “everywhere” nutrient.And its benefits are so powerful and well-established that I think just about everybody should be

This Herb is Used For More Than 30 Health Conditions about false


This Herb is Used For More Than 30 Health Conditions

Silybum marianum is an herb that’s best known for its ability to treat liver and biliary disorders. Healers have used it for this purpose for more than 2000 years.Now, new research shows it is

“Secret” Ingredients in These Foods Help You Lose Weight about false


“Secret” Ingredients in These Foods Help You Lose Weight

If you’re one of the millions of Americans trying to shed a few pounds, you’ll be happy to hear about this new food discovery. A little-known class of natural chemicals found in certain foods may

Alarming New Reason To Fear Sugar about false


Alarming New Reason To Fear Sugar

If you take an active interest in eating healthy food, you’ve no doubt heard a steady stream of advice about why you should eat little or no sugar.Sugar generates so many health problems, I almost

This Fruit Juice is a Good Medicine about false


This Fruit Juice is a Good Medicine

If you were a musician whose arthritic fingers hurt so much you could barely finger your instrument anymore, what would you do?Well, the commercials on TV would advise you to go on painkillers.But I

Can Salt Actually Lower Your Blood Pressure? about false


Can Salt Actually Lower Your Blood Pressure?

Salt and hypertension have been linked in the public mind for decades. Over the past 50 years, hundreds of thousands of doctors have pounded on millions of patients to stop eating salt.Yet growing

This Miracle Food Ingredient Fights Heart Disease, Cancer, Arthritis and More about false


This Miracle Food Ingredient Fights Heart Disease, Cancer, Arthritis and More

It almost sounds too good to be true. But a broad swath of medical research shows that one food ingredient can help protect you from a long list of diseases. It’s not a vitamin or mineral, or a fatty

Can Vitamin E Supplements Be Dangerous? about false


Can Vitamin E Supplements Be Dangerous?

Is There Anything to Those Stories About the Dangers of Vitamin E? An overdose can kill. Too much will cause prostate cancer. It raises the risk of premature death .The findings of several studies in

Lack of This Nutrient Puts 90 Million at Risk of Early Death about false


Lack of This Nutrient Puts 90 Million at Risk of Early Death

Right now, millions of Americans are in danger of deadly liver disease because of the foods they eat and the weight they’re gaining.But one nutrient could save them, say researchers.The trouble is

Studies Show Vitamin D is a Potent Energy Pill about false


Studies Show Vitamin D is a Potent Energy Pill

Rebecca Reagan was so exhausted, she could barely get out of bed every morning. Her fatigue had become so severe, she says, “I quit functioning as a normal adult.”1Her doctors were stumped trying to

Best Mineral For Avoiding Osteoporosis and Bone Fractures about false


Best Mineral For Avoiding Osteoporosis and Bone Fractures

As we get older, one of the most important things we can do for good health is to keep our bones from getting so weak they’re liable to break – the condition called osteoporosis.I think it’s a shame

New Benefits of Sun Exposure (Not Vitamin D) about false


New Benefits of Sun Exposure (Not Vitamin D)

Not long ago, vitamin D was only considered essential for strong bones and teeth. Now it’s known to have wide-ranging functions throughout the body – hence the importance of getting regular sun

Antibiotic Use Linked to Cancer about false


Antibiotic Use Linked to Cancer

Which do you think is worse, a runny nose or a life-threatening disease?You might laugh at that question, Of course, you’d rather have to wipe your nose with a tissue than face a medical procedure

This Sweet Treat is Loaded with Nutrients about false


This Sweet Treat is Loaded with Nutrients

During the holidays some of us may indulge in pancakes or French toast for breakfast, especially if we have houseguests and want to do something special. I imagine Christmas morning sees a stack of

My Favorite Health Food: Eat and Enjoy! about false


My Favorite Health Food: Eat and Enjoy!

In case you haven’t heard the news, eggs aren’t bad for you anymore.Of course, they never were. The whole cholesterol scare — which began in the 1960s and saturated the public with misinformation –

It's Official - You Can Indulge in This Healthy Fat about false


It's Official - You Can Indulge in This Healthy Fat

From the 1970s, 80s and beyond, we were nagged into cutting back on our dietary fat intake as a way to reduce the risk of heart disease and other chronic ailments.Yet at the same time studies showed

You’re Probably Taking Drugs Without Knowing It about false


You’re Probably Taking Drugs Without Knowing It

Congratulations if you are one of the three in ten Americans who don’t take any prescription drugs.But don’t pat yourself on the back too soon, because in all likelihood you are ingesting a veritable

For Strong Bones You Need More Than Calcium about false


For Strong Bones You Need More Than Calcium

When most people think of bone health, calcium is the first thing that comes to mind.But even though this mineral is a vital part of our skeleton, on its own it won’t be enough to keep the