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Does Your Nose Hold The Key to Longevity?

ReviewedReviewed by Susan Clark

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Does Your Nose Hold The Key to Longevity? about Vital Force
Losing your sense of smell not only spoils the enjoyment of food and fragrances, and reduces retrieval of smell-associated memories, it can also be hazardous to your health. What’s more, it’s not a rare problem. It affects about a quarter of people over 50. It puts your health at risk in some ways that are obvious. Those who have lost most or all of their ability to smell are almost twice as likely to be unaware of a gas leak or fire, eat spoiled food or consume toxic substances. One person even downed a full glass of jewelry cleaner, thinking it was water! But that sort of health hazard is not what I’m thinking of today. Recent studies suggest that loss of smell is apparently linked to an increased risk of death in ways you’d never expect. . . These are the disturbing findings. . .

Key Takeaways

  • Loss of smell affects about 25% of people over 50 and can pose significant health risks.
  • Studies show that smell loss is linked to higher mortality risk, predicting death more accurately than some major diseases.
  • Engaging in regular exercise and ensuring adequate zinc intake can help maintain smell function.
  • Smell training with essential oils may improve olfactory function and protect against smell loss over time.

Predicts Death More Accurately Than Cancer

Researchers from the University of Chicago enrolled 3,003 people aged between 57 and 85. They were tested for their ability to smell fish, orange, peppermint, leather, and roses. Of the 430 people who died during the following five years, almost four in ten had performed poorly on the test compared to two deaths for every ten who performed moderately and a mere one in ten among those who had a keen sense of smell. This means that those who had an impaired sense of smell – a condition called hyposmia – were almost four times as likely to die within five years compared to those who correctly identified all five smells. 

 The researchers considered many factors that could affect the results, such as age, physical activity, illness, socioeconomic status, etc. Even so, loss of smell predicted death more accurately than did a diagnosis of cancer, heart failure, or lung disease. It’s hard to believe, but a loss of the sense of smell means you’re more likely to die within five years than a person who’s received a cancer diagnosis. In a new study published in March, researchers from Sweden tested the olfactory (smell) function of 1,774 people aged 40 – 90 and followed them up ten years later. During the decade almost a quarter had passed away. Even taking account differences in age, sex, education and health, including dementia, the risk of death was associated with their ability to detect odors. Of the 13 fragrances they were asked to identify, each incorrect answer increased the risk of dying. Those with complete olfactory loss (anosmia) had a risk of death almost 20% higher than those with normal function. Lead author Dr. Jonas Olofsson said, “Our results were not explained by dementia…Instead mortality risk was uniquely predicted by smell loss. The sense of smell seems to be a good indicator of aging brain health. We see smell function as the canary in the coal mine.”

Tips To Hang on To Your Sense of Smell

Since portions of the olfactory system continually regenerate, keeping the sense of smell for your whole lifetime should be possible. The reasons for a gradual loss are not known but could be because the olfactory nerve is exposed to the open air. Poisons and pathogens have a direct route to the brain and could cause damage over time. Or perhaps the stem cells that regenerate the olfactory nerve cease to function. This could indicate that the body no longer has the ability to self-repair. Whatever the reasons, there are some things we can do to maintain this ability.
  • Engage in some form of exercise. One large study found those who worked up a sweat even once a week lowered their risk of olfactory impairment.
  • Make sure you are not zinc deficient. It produces an enzyme that’s critical for smell. Good sources are chicken, lamb, grass-fed beef, pumpkin seeds, cashews, chickpeas, mushrooms and spinach.
  • Frequently engage with fragrances. The idea that you can train yourself to improve smell function seems odd, but it is really the same as any other form of training.

Our Takeaway

If you are concerned about this issue, you might want to get checked out by a specialist who may recommend a formal course of olfactory training (OT). In typical OT studies, participants are told to sniff essential oils of rose, eucalyptus, clove, and lemon for ten seconds each, twice a day for three months. A review of ten such studies found that olfactory training was “a promising modality for the treatment of olfactory dysfunction.”


Loss of smell is not just an inconvenience; it can be a warning sign of serious health risks. Research has linked impaired smell to a higher mortality rate, even more so than a diagnosis of cancer or heart disease. Smell loss is also connected to a greater risk of accidents, and it may be an early indicator of aging brain health. Engaging in regular physical activity, ensuring sufficient zinc intake, and practicing smell training with essential oils are potential ways to help maintain olfactory health and safeguard overall well-being.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is loss of smell linked to higher mortality?

Research suggests that loss of smell may indicate declining brain health, which could contribute to an increased risk of death. The exact mechanisms are still being studied, but it’s thought to be a marker for aging and potential neurological decline.

Can losing my sense of smell predict serious diseases?

Yes, studies show that smell loss may predict conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It’s also associated with higher mortality risk than some cancers and heart diseases.

What are some other risks associated with smell loss?

Beyond mortality, smell loss can increase the risk of accidents like failing to detect gas leaks or spoiled food, as well as reduce overall quality of life by impairing enjoyment of food and fragrances.

How can I maintain or improve my sense of smell?

Regular exercise, ensuring adequate zinc intake, and smell training with essential oils can help maintain olfactory function. Engaging frequently with different fragrances may also enhance your sense of smell.

Should I see a doctor if I notice smell loss?

Yes, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional if you notice a decline in your sense of smell. They may suggest olfactory testing or smell training programs to help improve or preserve this crucial sense.

Vital Force

Vital Force

boosts immune system function and health of your cells


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