Throughout history, people have searched for ways to improve their thinking skills and boost their memory. You probably do so yourself if you drink coffee or tea in the morning to give yourself a mental edge. However, those living in ancient India were more likely to turn to Bacopa monnieri, a traditional Ayurvedic herb. Its ancient name is Brahmi, which translates in Sanskrit to "brain tonic." Scientists are well down the path to confirming what the ancients believed about its brain benefits.
Key Takeaways
- Bacopa monnieri is an Ayurvedic herb revered for cognition and brain health for thousands of years. It is a natural nootropic that can enhance your brain power no matter what your age.
- The cognitive benefits of Bacopa monnieri include memory enhancement, improved verbal learning, working memory and information processing speed, reduced anxiety and a better mood. The cognitive benefits are true for high-performing young adults such as medical students and professionals, as well as for people over age 50.
- Bacopa monnieri has a number of strong compounds that make it a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. As such, it triggers neurogenesis, supports the cholinergic system, reduces oxidative stress, and reduces neuroinflammation -- all of which are important for a healthy brain.
What Is Bacopa Monnieri?
Bacopa monnieri is a nootropic herb that also goes by the names water hyssop, Indian pennywort, and herb of grace. A nootropic is a compound that enhances cognitive function, especially executive function, memory, creativity, focus, and motivation in healthy individuals. It's commonly used in the neurohacking movement.
Bacopa monnieri is a creeping marsh-loving group of plants native to India and other parts of Asia. It belongs to the plant family Plantaginaceae, which includes 70 to 100 different species of aquatic plants.
Bacopa Monnieri in Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine
Bacopa monnierihas been revered in Ayurvedic medicine for its health and brain benefits. It has been used for over 3,000 years to treat a variety of inflammatory conditions.
Traditionally, Bacopa monnieri was used to boost cognitive function and memory, relieve stress and anxiety, and enhance mood -- its neuroprotective effects. Ayurvedic doctors also relied on bacopa to enhance overall vitality and longevity.
These Ayurvedic doctors used all parts of the Bacopa monnieri plant, including the Bacopa monnieri seeds. But today, most Bacopa monnieri extract uses only the stems and leaves.
How Does Bacopa Monnieri Work to Improve Cognitive Function?
The mechanisms by which Bacopa monnieri work to improve thinking are not fully understood. But it's likely a byproduct of certain bioactive components in the plant including several alkaloids, triterpenoid saponins, and sterols. So far, researchers point to bacopa's main active compounds called bacosides as the ingredients that can help memory most.
Powerful Ingredients: Bacosides A and B
Studies have repeatedly shown bacosides to be particularly potent antioxidants that help prevent the brain degradation that gradually reduces the ability of neurons to function properly and leads to memory loss. One reason is that bacosides can cross the blood brain barrier.[1]
You may recall that the blood brain barrier keeps toxins from entering the brain tissue. Unfortunately, it also keeps potentially helpful nutrients and medications from entering the brain. But not bacosides. A review study shows that bacosides break through the blood brain barrier and enter the brain where they fend off oxidative damage in some pretty impressive ways.
For one, studies show that bacosides are neuroprotective and that they enhance neurotransmitter function and synaptic activity. By the way, a synapse is a small gap at the junction of two neurons -- where information is transmitted from one neuron to the next. Think of it as one cell talking to another, much as you'd talk with a friend over coffee. Some of those transmissions are chemical and some are electric.
Healthy synapses are key to proper brain function, learning and adapting, and especially to memory. When working well, this information occurs across complicated networks made up of 120 billion neurons. As you can see, there's a lot that can go wrong, and much worth protecting!
Bacosides may also regulate stress hormones in the brain by interacting with the cholinergic system, as well as serotonin and dopamine systems.
Supports the Cholinergic System
The cholinergic system is the network of nerve cells in the brain (and body) that use acetylcholine as their neurotransmitter.
Acetylcholine is crucial for memory, attention, and learning. It enhances cognition by supporting neural plasticity and synaptic function. Acetylcholine also regulates muscle function, your sleep cycle, and your autonomic nervous system (which affects heart rate, digestion, respiration, perspiration, and more).
A properly functioning cholinergic system is critical to cognitive function. An improperly functioning system is linked to memory loss, which is characterized by a marked reduction in acetylcholine levels. Bacopa monnieri supports the cholinergic system in multiple ways by:
- Increasing acetylcholine levels.
- Enhancing enzymes involved in acetylcholine production.
- Providing neuroprotective effects.
- Regulating cholinergic receptors.
- Stopping enzymes involved in acetylcholine breakdown, such as acetylcholinerase (AChE). This improves acetylcholine availability and enhances acetylcholine signaling.
Again, Bacopa monnieri's ability to prevent cognitive decline and support the cholinergic system likely comes compliments of its antioxidant bacosides.
Provides Antioxidant Effects
Antioxidants are compounds that scavenge and restrain damaging molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are linked to nearly all degenerative diseases, including dementia.
The bacosides in Bacopa monnieri have potent antioxidant effects. When fat molecules and free radicals interact with each other, they undergo a process called lipid peroxidation. That's where free radicals -- especially reactive oxygen species (ROS) free radicals -- attack lipids (fats) with carbon-carbon double bonds, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).
This oxidative damage leads to cell membrane damage and impaired cellular function. It's no surprise then, that this lipid peroxidation is also associated with rapid aging, and memory loss.[2,3]
Researchers say that this scavenging activity not only eliminates free radicals, but also helps "detox" the brain. An historic study showed that treating demented rats with Bacopa monnieri reduced free radical damage and reversed signs of memory loss. That's a big deal. Bacopa monnieri shows potent ability as an antioxidant to clear away these damaging free radicals.
Supports Neurogenesis
Most of our brain contains only the neurons that were present at our birth. However, one small but critical area of our brain continues to grow new neurons throughout our lives. This is the hippocampus and this amazing brain cell growth happens through a process called neurogenesis.
Neurogenesis is the process whereby new neurons are formed in the brain. This process is crucial for brain development, plasticity, and function throughout all of life from early brain development to later learning, memory, mood regulation, and brain repair.
Various factors influence neurogenesis -- including age, physical exercise, a stimulating environment of enrichment, diet, stress levels, and sleep regularity. And of course, nootropics, such as Bacopa monnieri.
Promotes BDNF, "Miracle Grow" for the Brain
The Bacopa monnieri herb may also exert its cognitive-enhancing effects by increasing the production of a key protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).[4]
BDNF is a neurotropin, which is a family of proteins that stimulate the growth, development, and survival of neurons. They're essential for proper brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of the brain to adapt and change throughout life.
BDNF is a key neurotrophic factor. It supports the survival of existing neurons and prevents neuron apoptosis (death). BDNF encourages growth and differentiation of new neurons and synapses. This is particularly important in areas of the brain vital to learning, memory, and higher thinking.
It's only been during the past decade that researchers discovered that new neurons are born in the hippocampus throughout life. Scientists now estimate that you develop about 700 new neurons to each hippocampus (left and right) every day.[12]
BDNF release helps form new connections in your brain. It basically invites neurons to connect to other neurons or synapses. If you know a person who is the "ultimate" people connector, that's what BDNF does in your brain.
This wiring of new neural networks forms and consolidates memories. Any thought, memory, or new skill you learn comes from new neural networks. With insufficient BDNF, you experience problems with memory, learning, and depression. BDNF has been linked to a positive mental health status and mood regulation, particularly in reducing depression and anxiety. Its calming effects offer a natural way to enhance mood.
Nootropics like Bacopa monnieri have the ability to increase BDNF in your brain, so does exercise.
Offers Anti-inflammatory Support
Inflammation is one of the many immune response mechanisms against infection, disease, and tissue injury. It's also a defense mechanism against invading pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. In inflammation, the body releases white blood cells and chemicals into the bloodstream, which reach the infection site and protect it from invaders. However, there can be too much of a good thing -- when inflammation becomes chronic.
Inflammatory responses in the brain are classified as "neuroinflammation." The anti-inflammatory effect of Bacopy monnieri is pretty remarkable. In studies, Bacopa monnieri inhibited pro-inflammatory enzymes such as cyclooxygenases, caspases, and liposygenases -- all of which play a role in inflammation and pain.[10,11]
Enhances Cognition In Six Ways
If you're looking to neurohack your brain, Bacopa monnieri should be on your short list of ingredients to consider. You've just discovered how Bacopa monnieri improves cognitive function, now let's look at the real-life results of taking Bacopa monnieri on your cognitive performance.
#1. Improves Memory
Bacopa monnieri improves various types of memory, including short-term and long-term memory. It does this by supporting the brain's neural networks.
#2. Improves Information Retention
A three month study of folks over 40 in Australia, found that Bacopa monnieri extract helped participants learn new information, and helped decrease forgetfulness.[8]
The researchers determined that those bacosides in Bacopa monnieri enhance synaptic activity, improving the communication between neurons -- and leading to better cognitive processing and quicker information retrieval.
#3. Supports Better Mental Recall
In another three-month placebo-controlled study, this time in Australia, researchers found that Bacopa monnieri helped people ages 18 to 60, improve their mental performance. These participants had normal cognitive abilities at the start of the study and taking Bacopa monnieri expanded their verbal skills, improved attention spans, and helped them recall information with less trouble than those in the study who did not take Bacopa.
#4. Strengthens Attention and Concentration
Bacopa monnieri enhances attention and concentration, making it an excellent aid for students and professionals alike. In other words, it enhances cognition for ALL ages -- young and old. Whether you're sweating college or medical school exams, studying for professional exams, or just trying to keep up with the ever-growing body of research in your chosen career, Bocapa monnieri improves focus and wipes away brain fog.
A study in the Neuropsychopharmacology journal found that Bacopa monnieri significantly improved the speed of visual processing, learning rate, and memory after 12 weeks of use.
#5. Supports Easier Learning and Information Processing
Bacopa monnieri improves learning capacity and focus, making it beneficial for students and professionals who require sustained mental effort and concentration. A joint study across multiple countries used CT scans to show that taking Bacopa monnieri accelerates architectural changes in neuronal networks that make the learning process easier.[9]
#6. Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Bacopa monnieri is an adaptogen, which is a compound that helps the body and mind adapt to stress. It reduces cortisol levels, and supports a balanced mood.
Studies show that Bacopa monnieri can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, promoting a sense of calm and wellbeing.
Randomized Clinical Trials for Memory Benefits
In human studies, Bacopa monnieri has shown benefits in cognitive performance, verbal learning, delayed word recall, memory formulation, and decreasing anxiety. Here's a closer look at some of the research...
Study Results: Improved Verbal Learning
A landmark study on cognitive function in healthy adults over a 12-week period. This 2001 randomized controlled study was an early one demonstrating Bacopa's cognitive-enhancing effects in humans. It showed significant improvements in verbal learning and memory after 12 weeks of supplementation. It established Bacopa as a promising cognitive enhancer and set the stage for further research.[13]
Study Results: Memory Improvement in the Elderly
This 3-month clinical trial in elderly adults showed improvements in retention of new information, especially in delayed recall of word pairs. It demonstrated Bacops monnieri's benefits specifically for older populations, suggesting its potential use in age-related cognitive decline.
Study Results: Better Cognitive Performance and Mood in the Elderly
This 2008 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial examined Bacopa monnieri's effects on cognition, anxiety, and depression. It showed improvements in various cognitive domains and anxiety levels and shows Bacopa's potential as a multi-faceted intervention for aging populations.
Study Results: Long-Term Cognitive Improvement
This large 2008 double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial found significant improvements in working memory and information processing speed. It was a follow-up to the 2001 study and used a larger sample size and longer duration.
Study Results: Increased Cognitive Function in Younger Adults
This 2016 study involving medical studies sought to determine whether Bacopa monnieri would improve cognition in a younger group of high-functioning populations -- in this case, medical school students. It found significant improvements in various cognitive tests after just 42 days of supplementation, suggesting that it is also effective for younger adults such as students and professionals seeking cognitive enhancement.
Other Clinical Studies on Healthy People:
In a 2014 randomized controlled study of 17 patients, researchers noted statistically significant improvement in cognitive performance, mood, and decreased cortisol response from stress after just one dose of Bacopa or either 320 mg or 640 mg. The 640 mg dose had a stronger effect.[18]
A meta-analysis of nine randomized controlled trials involveing 437 healthy volunteers showed improved attention, cognition, and faster reaction time.[19]
In another randomized controlled study with healthy volunteers who were ages 55+, 12 weeks of Bacopa monnieri significantly improved memory acquisition and retention.[20]
A meta-analysis that evaluated results from six studies with 12+ weeks duration found that Bacopa boosted recall. The dosage in these studies was 300 to 450 mg of Bacopa extract standardized to 10 to 20% bacopa glycosides.[21]
It's no wonder that with rising rates of memory loss, stress levels at an all-time high, and students and professionals with more demands than ever, scientists are practically tripping over themselves trying to be the first to discover more benefits of Bacopa monnieri.
How to Use Bacopa Monnieri
The best way to use Bacopa Monnieri is as a dietary supplement of bacopa monniera extract that's available as a standardized extract... since it's probably not available fresh from the water where you live. But not all bacopa monnieri extracts are the same. Look for a full-spectrum bacopa monnieri extract containing all nine natural bioactive components, such as Bacomind. Bacomind is part of Green Valley Naturals' complete nootropic supplement formula called Brain Vitality Plus.
Typical dosages for Bacopa monnieri extract in human studies has been from 300 to 450 mg per day. But dosages can vary widely based on what product you purchase.
The powdered form can be added to hot water and consumed as a soothing tea.
While Bacopa monnieri is considered safe, it may cause side effects in some people -- particularly digestive upset such as nausea, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.
Bacopa monnieri is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, as no studies have assessed its safety during pregnancy or lactation.
Talk with your healthcare provider before using, as it may interfere or react with certain medications.
Bacopa monnieri is an adaptogenic herb used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine. It has many cognitive benefits, improves memory in all adult age groups, reduces anxiety and improves mood, and leads to improvements in working memory and information processing speed. It has demonstrated cognitive benefits in high-functioning young adult groups, i.e., medical students. Because it is effective across different age groups and cognitive domains, it is a well-supported herbal nootropic.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Bacopa monnieri?
Bacopa monnieri -- also called water hyssop -- is a creeping marsh plant commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is most often used to boost cognitive function and memory, improve cognitive processing, relieve stress and anxiety, and enhance general mood and vitality.
What does Bacopa monnieri do?
Bacopa monnieri interacts with the dopamine, serotonin, and cholinergic systems. It promotes neuron communication by supporting synaptic health and wellbeing. Finally, Bacopa monnieri has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and possibly vasodilatory (widening of the blood vessels) properties.
Does Bacopa monnieri help brain fog?
Bacopa monnieri improves concentration and enhances learning and attention. So yes, it should help brain fog.
Does Bacopa interfere with sleep?
Bacopa should enhance sleep, precisely because it reduces stress and anxiety that's linked to poor sleep. It is an adaptogenic herb, which means it can help the body adapt to stress and bring the body's systems back into a healthy balance.
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