Healthy Aging

Do Stem Cell Patches Really Work?

ReviewedReviewed by Susan Clark

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Do Stem Cell Patches Really Work? about Colon Ultra Cleanse

Do Stem Cell Patches Really Work?

Stem cell patches are a cutting-edge, non-invasive regenerative medicine tool offering new hope for chronic health problems. These patches have gained attention for their ability to promote healing and tissue regeneration in ways that traditional therapies cannot.

Some stem cell patches are medical devices that contain stem cells to repair and rejuvenate damaged tissues. They're applied straight to the affected area and work to regenerate cells, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

Stem cell activation patches are a bit different. They're grounded in the principle of phototherapy, which uses light to stimulate biological processes within the human body. Specific wavelengths can activate your body's stem cells, and make them more efficient in tissue repair.

The activation patches are non-invasive and do not introduce substances into the skin.

Key Takeaways

  • Stem cell patches stimulate the body's own stem cells through phototherapy, promoting natural tissue repair, reducing inflammation, and enhancing recovery without injections or drugs.

  • By activating stem cells, patches can be a valuable tool in regenerative medicine by promoting joint health, supporting cognitive function, and improving skin health and energy levels.

  • Stem cell patches are easy to apply, affordable compared to injections, and safe for daily use.

What are Stem Cells?

Definition and Stem Cell Types

Stem cells are the body's master repair cells... replacing or fixing body parts when something goes wrong. They are foundational cells that self-renew. In other words, they can make more cells like themselves to maintain tissue and to repair injuries. Stem cells can develop into various types of cells.

There are numerous types of stem cells:

  • Pluripotent (embryonic) Stem Cells: These stem cells come from 3- to 5-day old embryos that contain about 150 cells. Pluripotent stem cells can differentiate into just about any type of cell type within the body. Many people object to using embryonic stem cells because it destroys human embryos.

  • Perinatal Stem Cells: Similar stem cells are taken from umbilical cord blood, and are called perinatal stem cells. Cord blood stem cells have been successfully used for treating about 80 diseases, mainly those that affect the immune system and blood. These blood-forming stem cells -- also called hematopoietic progenitor cells -- are derived from umbilical cord blood and are used specifically for disorders that affect blood production.

  • Adult Stem Cells: These are found in small numbers in most adult tissues, and are more limited in their ability to become different types of cells within the body. They can only differentiate into the specialized cells of a specific tissue or organ.

    Adult stem cells located in organs like the heart, brain, liver and bone marrow are unspecialized cells that usually only become a new cell in the organ that contains them. For instance, if red blood cells need replacement, hematopoietic stem cells in the blood come in to take their place.

  • Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs): A third type is a hybrid of embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells called induced pluripotent stem cells. They're adult cells that've been altered to exhibit the properties of embryonic stem cells using genetic reprogramming. With this genetic alteration, researchers make the cells act like embryonic stem cells. They avoid the ethical concerns of embryonic stem cells, while producing similar results. iPSCs are helpful in other ways too -- notably in lowering the risk that a recipient's immune system might reject and attack the new stem cells.

  • Autologous Stem Cells: These are stem cells taken from your own body and re-injected into your tissue. The process involves a brief, outpatient procedure. But the benefits are that you reduce the possibility of rejection.

  • Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs): These are a type of adult stem cell found in various tissues in the body, including bone marrow, fat tissue, umbilical cord, and more. These cells are multipotent, meaning they can differentiate into several types of specialized cells, such as bone cells (osteocytes), cartilage cells (chondrocytes), fat cells (adipocytes), and muscle cells. MSCs have regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties, which make them promising for use in treating a range of conditions, including orthopedic injuries, degenerative diseases, and inflammatory disorders.

The Science Behind Stem Cell Patches

Stem cell patches use infrared light to stimulate stem cell activity and promote healing and rejuvenation. The activation patches don't actually contain stem cells, but instead use phototherapy to activate and stimulate the body's own supply of stem cells. Certain light wavelengths can activate the body's stem cells and give them "new life."

Phototherapy is hardly a new technology. It's previously been used for medical treatments. To promote stem cell activation, scientists believe that light elevates a naturally occurring peptide that signals stem cells to repair and regenerate tissues. But as with other natural processes, this peptide declines with age.

By promoting your body's stem cell capabilities, activation patches accelerate healing and tissue regeneration.

Stem cell activation patches can be used together with traditional stem cell therapies to enhance their benefits. The patches are easy to use and are an effective way to boost their body's healing abilities without invasive treatments.

Stem cell patches offer a non-invasive option as they target the root cause of pain -- damaged tissues -- and promote healing at a cellular level. The patches have been shown to increase energy levels, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health and well-being.

How Stem Cell Therapy Works

Traditional stem cell therapy utilizes stem cells or their derivatives to trigger the repair response for diseased, dysfunctional, or injured tissue.

Researchers grow stem cells in a lab, and manipulate them to specialize into specific cell types. These specialized cells are then injected into people to repair or replace damaged cells and tissues. For stem cell treatment to be useful, researchers and doctors must be sure that the stem cells will differentiate into the specific type of cells that are desired, which can be easier said than done.

Additionally, embryonic stem cells can grow irregularly, or specialize into different cell types spontaneously. Scientists are seeking ways to consistently control the growth and development of embryonic stem cells.

Lastly, embryonic stem cells may trigger an immune response that attacks stem cells as foreign invaders. Or the stem cells may just fail to function as they were expected to.

Applications of Stem Cell Patches

Tissue Repair and Regeneration

Stem cell patches are typically used in regenerative medicine to replace or repair damaged cells and tissues.

Stem cell patches can be used to repair and regenerate damaged tissues, including bone cells, skin tissue, and nerve cells. The patches can be used as therapy for even serious disease such as cancer and diabetes.

In addition, the patches can be used to promote wound healing, reduce scarring, and promote tissue repair and regeneration.

Benefits and Advantages

Improved Tissue Repair and Regeneration

One of the most complex biological processes in humans is wound healing. Healing of the skin is a key interest point, as the skin is the first line of immune defense. The patches can be used to boost wound healing, reduce scarring, and promote tissue repair and regeneration.

Challenges and Limitations

Cell Survival and Proliferation

One of the big challenges of using stem cell patches is making sure the cells survive and proliferate inside the body as intended.

Researchers are seeking ways to control the growth and development of stem cells and optimizing the exactly right environment for the cells to grow and differentiate. What's more, patches need to minimize the risk of rejection or other adverse reactions.

Stem Cell Patches Vs. Stem Cell Injections

Nearly everyone yearns for an effective way to turn back the clock on aging. So the question becomes, "What's the best way to do that?" If the choice is between stem cell patches and stem cell injections, here are the key pros and cons of each...



DIY (apply patch daily) 

Non-specific delivery 

Takes time to improve 



Invasive (injections)

In a doctor's office, may involve travel

Targeted delivery (at least in theory)

Immediate action (again, at least in theory)

Very expensive

Support Your Stem Cells Naturally... Today

As you've probably heard by now, genes play only a small role in the story of your aging. How the genes are expressed -- called epigenetics -- is 80% of the story, according to scientists. Fortunately, it's something you have a great deal of control over. And you might not even need injections or patches!

Anti-Aging Diet and Lifestyle Add Years to Your Life

It's likely that we'll see more breakthroughs with stem cells over the next decade. But at this point in time, your best bet may be to maximize how your genes are expressed in the here and now, which is called epigenetics. Certain actions can tell our genes to "behave younger," influencing our biological age... as opposed to our chronological (physical) age, which is defined from the day we're born till the day we die.

Methylation changes within your DNA are the best biochemical markers of biological age because they reflect accumulated cellular damage that drives chronic diseases.

A groundbreaking trial with 43 participants ages 50 to 72 were randomized to a control group given no lifestyle advice, versus a lifestyle group of people who were given lifestyle coaching throughout the trial about diet, exercise, sleep, and relaxation, in addition to receiving two supplements.

After eight weeks, the lifestyle group averaged more than a 3-year decrease in their biological age (became younger) compared to the controls.

By the end of the program, the lifestyle group's DNAmAge (DNA methylation age) had decreased by an average of nearly two years (1.96)... versus the control group who became an average of 1.27 years older by the end of the study.

Fortunately, these are the kinds of interventions you can manage for yourself at home. And since stem cells may still be on the horizon, you owe it to yourself to support your natural stem cells in every way possible:

  • Sleep. Sleep deprivation has been linked to higher inflammatory markers, which are further linked to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and potentially even cancer. Keep your bedroom dark and cool, and avoid screens for the last couple hours before bedtime to promote sleep.

  • Stress Management. Stress is also detrimental to aging. It is linked with shorter telomeres and increased oxidative stress, both of which reduce longevity.

  • Avoid Sugar Like the Plague. Sugar is one of the absolute worst things you can eat if you want to age well.

  • Hydration. Hydration supports cellular function and overall health, including physiological processes involving stem cells.

Take Stem Cell-Supporting Supplements

It's generally accepted that the regenerative ability of stem cells declines with age. This makes the use of dietary interventions paramount in influencing stem cell function. Various nutrients, including icariin, resveratrol, sea buckthorn berry, grape seed extracts, and more... all boost your body's own stem cells.

Green Valley Naturals has combined these leading stem cell-boosting nutrients into a comprehensive formula called Stem Cell Restore, to bring you the support you deserve for healthy stem cells in just two capsules per day. Here are some of its highlights:


Stem cell patches represent a breakthrough in non-invasive regenerative medicine. These patches, which use light-based phototherapy to stimulate the body's own stem cells, hold promise for tissue repair, healing, and reducing inflammation without the need for injections or invasive procedures. In addition to promoting faster recovery, stem cell patches can boost energy and improve overall health. Meanwhile, supporting stem cells naturally through lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and targeted supplements can further enhance the body’s healing abilities and slow the aging process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a stem cell patch?

A stem cell patch is a medical device that uses phototherapy to stimulate your own internal stem cells to work better for you. They're used in regenerative medicine to promote healing, accelerate tissue recovery, and reduce inflammation.

How expensive is stem cell therapy?

Stem cell injections can cost anywhere from several thousands of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. In some cases, people travel to Asia or other far-flung places to receive the treatments. But the FDA has gone on record saying that some of these treatments won't do you any good, and could make your financial situation a whole lot worse.

What are the negative effects of stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy isn't yet a perfect therapy. To be useful, the stem cells must consistently differentiate into the specific type of cells desired. Sometimes they grow irregularly, or the body may reject them.

How long do stem cell injections last?

Stem cell injections results may peak at about one year. However, most people report improvements within three to six weeks.

How do you activate stem cells naturally?

You can activate stem cells naturally with healthy lifestyle modifications, including a healthy diet, ample exercise, good sleep, and stress management. Certain natural supplements can stimulate your existing stem cells, as well as help your body say "good riddance" to senescent cells.

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Colon Ultra Cleanse

Colon Ultra Cleanse

Promotes Healthy Colon Function


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