Joint & Muscle Health

The Healing Power of Stretching

ReviewedReviewed by Susan Clark

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Bone & Muscle Defense

Comprehensive Support for Aging Muscles and Bones


The Healing Power of Stretching about Bone & Muscle Defense

What if improving your health didn’t require hours in the gym or expensive equipment? What if a simple daily habit could boost your blood flow, strengthen your immune system, and even help fight off diseases like cancer? Recent studies reveal that something as easy as stretching might hold the key to unlocking these extraordinary health benefits.

 Key Takeaways

  • Improved Circulation and Heart Health: Stretching enhances blood flow by increasing arterial dilation and reducing stiffness, benefiting both heart health and muscle function.
  • Cancer-Fighting Potential: Stretching may reduce tumor size by 52%, as it stimulates T-cell activity and reduces inflammation.
  • Accessible for All Ages: Even individuals with limited mobility, such as older adults, can benefit from stretching’s ability to enhance circulation and muscle health.

  • The Healing Benefits of Stretching

    While most people think of the act of stretching as something athletes do to loosen their muscles before a game or a workout, research into stretching now shows it can do a lot more than that.

    A few minutes of stretching each day has the potential to dramatically improve your health in ways that range from improving blood flow to stimulating the immune system to fight off diseases like cancer.

    I find it essential to stretch every day. Otherwise, my chronic stiffness and achiness get totally out of hand. The studies below are proof it does so much more. . .

    A study at the University of Milan in Italy shows that a twelve-week program of easy-to-perform stretching can accelerate blood flow by increasing the dilation of arteries and reducing the stiffness in artery walls. And the researchers say these improvements can support better heart health.

    Stretching’s Circulation Benefits Last

    This type of stretching involves staying in one particular position for a set period of time – for something like 30 to 60 seconds – while you exert a low level of fixed pressure on a part of your body.

    It’s interesting that even though the people in the Italian study only performed stretches of their legs, the blood flow in the arteries in both their legs and their arms improved.1

    But the key is sticking with it.

    Six weeks after they stopped stretching, researchers found that although the arteries in their legs remained more relaxed and allowed more blood to pass through them, the arteries in their arms had returned to their original state.

    Along with improving the function of arteries, stretching may also increase the number of capillaries supplying blood to muscle tissue, thereby boosting muscle health.2

    Limited Mobility? Stretching Offers Big Benefits

    In these lab tests involving researchers from Kansas State University, Florida State University, and scientists in Japan, the findings also demonstrate that stretching can be a valuable exercise for older people with limited ability to move around and engage in physical activity.

    "Elderly people with limited mobility are often less likely to take part (in exercise)," says researcher Judy Muller-Delp. "Our research suggests that static muscle stretching performed regularly can have a real impact by increasing blood flow to muscles in the lower leg."

    I’d add, too, that while this research didn’t look into it, stretching likely improves blood flow to the brain in people who live a sedentary lifestyle. That in and of itself can help you improve your memory and cognition.

    What's more, the latest research suggests that being flexible is a good indicator of longevity. There's even a test, the Flexitest, that can help you assess your flexibility.

    Fights Cancer, Too

    In addition to those studies, intriguing research at Harvard and Brigham and Women's Hospital shows that stretching may help the body's immune system fight cancer.

    This investigation – which was conducted on animals – indicated that stretching may reduce the size of tumors by an average of 52 percent compared to cancer in animals that don't have their limbs stretched.3

    The researchers believe that stretching spurs the body's T-cells to fight more aggressively against cancer cells. They also discovered that stretching reduced levels of PD-1, an immune factor that would otherwise hamper the body's response to cancer.

    On top of those findings, the investigation showed that stretching affected how the body controlled inflammation (this makes sense since it’s an immune system function). The Harvard researchers are not yet sure precisely what these discoveries signify, but they say it sheds light on the fact that stretching exerts essential influences on immune cells in ways that seem to help them respond to tumors.

    "There is still so much we don't understand in terms of how stretching reduces tumor growth," says researcher Jean J. Zhao, PhD, who teaches biological chemistry and molecular pharmacology at Harvard. "Understanding these mechanisms could help us develop more effective therapies against breast cancer and potentially other cancer types."

    Getting Started

    If you start a stretching program, experts recommend doing some light physical activity for five to ten minutes at each session before stretching. This movement is especially helpful if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. This movement can warm up your muscles and make stretching easier and safer. Then, each stretch is usually held for 30 seconds to a minute. And you should repeat each stretch on both sides of your body.

    Don't be overly aggressive pushing yourself into a stretch; keep your movements slow and gradual. Don't do a stretch if it causes pain. And remember to breathe while you stretch.

    If you need help getting started, here's a beginner's guide to simple stretches from the Mayo Clinic.


    Stretching isn’t just for athletes—research shows that daily stretching can significantly enhance blood circulation, support heart health, and even boost immune responses to fight diseases like cancer. Studies demonstrate that stretching improves arterial function, increases capillary supply to muscles, and may reduce tumor size by mobilizing immune cells. A regular stretching routine can also benefit older adults with limited mobility, making it an accessible way to improve overall health.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How does stretching improve circulation?

    Stretching promotes arterial dilation, reduces stiffness, and increases blood flow to muscles and tissues.

    Can stretching really help fight cancer?

    Preliminary studies suggest stretching may activate immune cells and reduce tumor growth by up to 52%.

    Is stretching beneficial for older adults?

    Yes, stretching can improve blood flow and muscle health, making it especially valuable for those with limited mobility.

    How long should I hold each stretch?

    Aim to hold each stretch for 30 to 60 seconds, ensuring both sides of the body are stretched evenly.

    Can stretching replace other forms of exercise?

    While stretching offers unique benefits, it complements but doesn’t replace aerobic or strength exercises.
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    Bone & Muscle Defense

    Comprehensive Support for Aging Muscles and Bones


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