Healthy Aging

The “Fountain of Youth” Herb… Researchers Say This Ancient Herb Should be a Part of Your Everyday Health Regimen

ReviewedReviewed by Susan Clark

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Telomere Activation Complex And Mitochondrial Enhancement Matrix.


The “Fountain of Youth” Herb…
Researchers Say This Ancient Herb Should be a Part of Your Everyday Health Regimen about Genesis

This ancient Chinese herb can convey so many health benefits that researchers in Europe who have closely analyzed its natural compounds have concluded that most people should take it daily if they want to live long and healthy lives.

They point out that this herb has been used to improve health for thousands of years. Study after study shows that it supports overall well-being while offering the potential to defend against health problems of all kinds, especially the common maladies of aging.

We’re talking about Astragalus…

Key Takeaways

  • Astragalus is an herb that enhances the body's immune response by boosting key immune cells such as macrophages, natural killer cells, and dendritic cells. This helps the body defend against many of the chronic health problems of aging.
  • The herb reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, which is beneficial for managing inflammatory problems and improving overall health.
  • Astragalus helps maintain longer telomeres, which protect DNA and slow aging. Studies show it improves insulin sensitivity and supports neuron protection—both of which help blood sugar levels and memory.

Mighty Antioxidant

Astragalus is a perennial herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Known for its immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory properties, this ancient herb is highly regarded by anti-aging researchers for its numerous health benefits, especially its ability to fight aging.[1]

And it’s not just these anti-aging researchers who are impressed by Astragalus. Scientists around the world agree. When medical researchers in Asia reviewed the benefits of Astragalus, they concluded that it significantly reduces the body’s oxidative stress, helps calm down inflammation, aids the heart and arteries in staying healthier, protects the brain, may lower the risk of cancer, and promotes better aging.

All these impressive effects make Astragalus a very popular herb. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most important reasons why many researchers strongly recommend it.

Immune-Enhancing Powerhouse

Astragalus can help strengthen your immune system to better ward off illness. Many studies investigating Astragalus have examined how this herb affects the body’s immune system and ability to function correctly.

An analysis of the immune cells that get a boost from Astragalus consists of a who’s who of the most important immune system warriors that shore up your body’s frontline defenses against disease. These include macrophages (white blood cells that surround and kill pathogens), natural killer cells (NK cells-- white blood cells that kill and eliminate sick and damaged cells) and dendritic cells (immune cells that help other immune cells tell the difference between pathogens and healthy cells).

A laboratory study looked at how Astragalus could help ease inflammatory bowel problems. The study found that it can fight destructive inflammation by stimulating epigenetic changes in the cells of the intestines. Those changes alter signals exchanged between cells for the better. Those shifts in signaling ease oxidative stress that would otherwise result in a destructive inflammatory attack on the gastrointestinal lining.[3]

Another test that demonstrated how Astragalus steps up the immune system's performance shows that the herb’s natural chemicals reinforce the power of immune cells to destroy malfunctioning cells and eliminate them. The researchers who performed this study conclude that this makes the compounds in Astragalus unique over other natural immune system enhancers, such as zinc.[4]

But perhaps its biggest benefit is the way it helps your body fight aging…

An Herbal Fountain Of Youth

Researchers busy investigating how Astragalus can help folks age better have found that Astragalus can:

  • Help your telomeres stay longer: Telomeres are cellular components that protect your DNA so that cells can function more effectively and age more slowly. Tests in France demonstrate that an Astragalus extract can “induce telomere elongation,” which keeps telomeres longer and more effective at defending your genetic material from damage. The French researchers recommend combining Astragalus with regular exercise, a healthy diet, and stress control to combat aging.[5]
  • Support better blood sugar control: A lab test shows that compounds in this herb may improve insulin sensitivity by promoting enhanced removal of glucose from the blood. Researchers think this takes place by stimulating enzymes that boost sugar uptake.[6]
  • Protect brain cells against damage and dysfunction: Those antioxidant flavonoids in Astragalus can support better brain health by reducing neuron damage. Research demonstrates that the natural chemicals in Astragalus may limit damage to the cellular membranes in neurons and help them recover from harmful inflammation.[7]

Why Does Astragalus Work?

Astragalus contains many different compounds that have been shown to have health benefits. For example, Cycloastragenol is the most powerful compound for protecting telomeres by promoting their supportive enzyme telomerase and helping people age better. Other compounds like vanillic acid and daidzein are potent antioxidants that also help support the body’s own antioxidant defenses. These compounds also help mitochondria crank out more energy for cells.

How To Use Astragalus

The researchers who recommend incorporating Astragalus into your daily routine point out that many people in Asia already consume astragalus in their meals. It does not have a strong taste, and in Asia, it is eaten to replenish “qi” – a traditional term that refers to the body’s overall energy. Unless you’re used to consuming fresh Astragalus, supplementing is far easier.

Astragalus is available in different forms in various anti-aging supplements and studies show they may be especially useful for people concerned about the effects of aging[9]. And while you shouldn’t megadose with Astragalus supplements (or any other supplement for that matter!), it has been shown to be very safe in doses up to 60 grams daily[10]. At Green Valley Naturals, we’ve formulated Cycloastragenol into a powerful Telomerase Activation Complex in our premiere anti-aging formula, Genesis.


Researchers have found that astragalus, an ancient herb with a history of promoting health, offers numerous benefits, including reducing oxidative stress, calming inflammation, supporting cardiovascular and brain health, and fighting aging. Studies indicate that astragalus can enhance immune function by boosting key immune cells and may help manage inflammatory bowel problems. Additionally, it supports healthy aging by protecting telomeres, improving insulin sensitivity, and protecting neurons from damage. With these findings, incorporating Astragalus into your daily health regimen is highly recommended.



Telomere Activation Complex And Mitochondrial Enhancement Matrix.


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