Healthy Aging

5 Secrets Of Living To 100 In Good Health

ReviewedReviewed by Susan Clark

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5 Secrets Of Living To 100 In Good Health about ComfortPro

Experts predict that the number of centenarians in the U.S. in the year 2050 will be eight times as many as we have today.

If you want a decent chance of being among those lucky oldsters, listen up! You need to follow five healthy lifestyle habits to improve your odds of getting into the triple digits.

Best of all, research into the aging process shows that it’s never too late – or too early – to adopt these habits. Here’s what you need to know…

Key Takeaways

  • A diverse gut microbiome, supported by a healthy diet, boosts longevity.
  • Habits central to living longer include a balanced diet, exercise, and avoiding smoking.
  • Centenarians continue healthy behaviors into their later years.

Secret #1: Feed Your Good Bacteria

Scientists have analyzed the probiotic—beneficial—bacteria living in the digestive tracts of centenarians, and they’ve come up with intriguing findings.

First, the so-called intestinal “microbiome” in these 100-year-olds is home to a wide variety of microscopic organisms—a diversity that, the researchers believe, is linked to their better health as they age and their increased life expectancy. [1]

Because of our processed food choices, many of us today don’t possess enough different types of bacteria in our digestive tract for optimal health. Because these seniors are home to a more extensive collection of various kinds of bacteria in their intestines, they are more disease-resistant.


For one thing, their diverse bacteria produce more natural chemicals that keep the walls of the digestive tract functioning properly. That variety also helps the body kill and eliminate pathogens that can make us sick.

These long-lived folk were also found to have viruses living alongside their bacteria that helped to keep the bacteria healthier. This collection of viruses also helps to quell harmful inflammation in the digestive tract.

If you want to get a collection of bacterial and viral helpers that can aid you in living longer, research shows that eating a wide range of fruits and vegetables daily is your best bet. The fiber they contain helps to nourish these microorganisms. Otherwise, if you follow a typical American diet filled with processed food, your microbiome may shrink in diversity. And your life expectancy may also shrink.

It’s also important to supplement with a high-quality, broad-spectrum probiotic formula, such as Green Valley Naturals’ Comfort Pro.

Secret #2: Exercise Regularly

Another recent study of 100-year-olds shows that basic health habits such as exercising can do a great deal in getting you to the 100-year birthday mark.

This research, performed at the University of Vermont in conjunction with other institutions, shows that you need to stay active. [2] Regular exercise was linked to increased chances of becoming a centenarian.

Find activities you enjoy and can safely perform, such as gentle yoga, swimming, tai chi, or walking. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week, adjusting the intensity to your fitness level. And when you can, take the stairs instead of the elevator for a heart-healthy boost.

Secret #3: Don’t Smoke

The University of Vermont study highlights the importance of not smoking in achieving longevity. If you're still smoking, seek support to quit.

Consider nicotine replacement therapy or consult with your doctor about cessation programs that can help you kick the habit for good.

Secret #4: Focus On Overall Wellness

Focus on overall wellness, not just physical health. The research suggests that mental wellness and cognitive function are crucial in healthy aging.

Engage in activities that challenge your mind, such as learning a new language, playing strategy games, or participating in social activities—practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation or deep breathing exercises to support your mental well-being.

Secret #5: Diversify Your Diet

Dietary diversity was a key component of the healthy lifestyle score associated with reaching 100. Make it a goal to "eat the rainbow" by including various fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Experiment with new, nutritious foods to keep your meals interesting and your body well-nourished. This will help you maintain a weight that’s not obese but not too thin, either. The right nutritional supplements can also help your body defend against the passage of time.

Of these healthy lifestyle habits, the data in the study found the most important were a healthy diet, exercise, and not smoking.

Keep Up The Healthy Changes

When I looked at this study, the most impressive part of it, I thought, was that the centenarians in the research kept up these healthy behaviors right into their 80s and 90s. It wasn’t enough to just be health conscious in their younger years. They kept doing things like exercising and eating right throughout their lives.

And the best time to start these healthy habits is right now – no matter what your age.

It’s Never Too Late

The study shows that adopting healthy habits can significantly increase your odds of becoming a centenarian, even if you start after age 80. It's never too late to make positive changes! Try incorporating one new healthy habit each month, such as taking a daily walk or adding more colorful vegetables to your meals.


Living to 100 in good health is achievable through simple lifestyle changes. Research shows that feeding your gut’s probiotic bacteria with diverse fruits and vegetables, maintaining healthy habits like exercising, avoiding smoking, limiting alcohol, and staying at a healthy weight are key. Centenarians maintain these habits well into their 80s and 90s, emphasizing that it's never too late to start living healthier.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can a diverse microbiome increase longevity?
    A diverse microbiome helps the body fight pathogens, reduce inflammation, and maintain a healthy gut lining, which can boost overall health and longevity.
  • What are the most important lifestyle habits for living to 100?
    Key habits include eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, avoiding smoking, and limiting alcohol intake.
  • How does diet affect the gut microbiome?
    Eating diverse fruits and vegetables nourishes beneficial gut bacteria, while a processed food diet can reduce microbiome diversity and lower life expectancy.
  • Is it too late to start healthy habits in later life?
    No, it’s never too late! Centenarians continue their healthy habits into their 80s and 90s, showing that starting at any age can be beneficial.
  • What role does exercise play in longevity?
    Regular exercise, even simple activities like walking, supports cardiovascular health, mobility, and mental well-being, contributing to a longer, healthier life.
1. Johansen J, et al. “Centenarians have a diverse gut virome with the potential to modulate metabolism and promote healthy lifespan” Nat Microbiol. 2023 Jun;8(6):1064-1078

2. Li Y, et al. “Healthy Lifestyle and the Likelihood of Becoming a Centenarian” JAMA Netw Open 2024 Jun 3;7(6):e2417931



Premium Probiotic Formula


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5 Secrets Of Living To 100 In Good Health

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